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Eddie Murphy McDonald’s Scene – Video Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos ,

This Eddie Murphy McDonald's bit from his epic comedy special Raw is a classic. The story that every kid who grew up in America could relate to. When you're young, McDonald's is the end all be all of food. You don't care how it's made, or what it's made of, you just know that it is the greatest thing in the world and when you see other kids eating McDonald's, you want it more than anything else. But Eddie's story is about asking his grandma is she can take him to McDonald's but she has something much better planned, her own burger. Which she advertises as "even better than McDonald's." Which is something a young Eddie Murphy can't fathom. "Better than McDonald's?" he asks her incredulously. She assures him. But as they get home and she starts making it, he notices that things aren't what they should be. Her burger has green peppers on it. "McDonald's don't have green peppers." But she still assures him that hers is still better. And then he notices another big problem: the bread. Eddie's grandma isn't making his burger on a classic McDonald's bun. She's using white bread that starts to get all soggy in the grease from the giant ball of meat she's making instead of the classic McDonald's hamburger. This classic Eddie Murphy McDonald's bit is one of Eddie's greatest bits ever. And now you can see why.
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Eddie Murphy McDonald’s Scene – Video

This Eddie Murphy McDonald’s bit from his epic comedy special Raw is a classic. The story that every kid who grew up in America could relate to. When you’re young, McDonald’s is the end all be all of food. You don’t care how it’s made, or what it’s made of, you just know that it is the greatest thing in the world and when you see other kids eating McDonald’s, you want it more than anything else. But Eddie’s story is about asking his grandma is she can take him to McDonald’s but she has something much better planned, her own burger. Which she advertises as “even better than McDonald’s.” Which is something a young Eddie Murphy can’t fathom. “Better than McDonald’s?” he asks her incredulously. She assures him. But as they get home and she starts making it, he notices that things aren’t what they should be. Her burger has green peppers on it. “McDonald’s don’t have green peppers.” But she still assures him that hers is still better. And then he notices another big problem: the bread. Eddie’s grandma isn’t making his burger on a classic McDonald’s bun. She’s using white bread that starts to get all soggy in the grease from the giant ball of meat she’s making instead of the classic McDonald’s hamburger. This classic Eddie Murphy McDonald’s bit is one of Eddie’s greatest bits ever. And now you can see why.

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