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Doug Benson Films Reviewed in 8 Words

Doug Benson Films Reviewed in 8 Words is part of the VH1 series Best Week Ever. Here Doug seeks to review Matthew McConaughey films in 8 words or less.
Doug Benson Funny Quotes Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Quotes

Marijuana and funny jokes. If you enjoy these two, then hang on because we have 18 Doug Benson Funny Quotes. I was on the toilet for so long, I finally said to myself, “I’m getting too old for this shit.” People say pot smokers are lazy. I disagree. I am a multitasking pot smoker. Just the other day I was walking down the street. Stoned. OK, I won’t count that as two things. I was walking down the street. I was putting eye drops in my eyes. I was talking on my cellphone. And I was getting hit by

Doug Benson Funny Quotes

I was on the toilet for so long, I finally said to myself, “I’m getting too old for this shit.”
Doug Benson Anti Pot Ads Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

Doug Benson Anti Pot Ads, if you know Doug Benson, I’m sure you understand how Doug feels about the subject.  Here is Doug’s stand Up comedy bit explaining his feelings for anti pot ads. Here is the commercial of the girl melting into the couch followed by Doug Benson’s bit.

Doug Benson Anti Pot Ads

Doug Benson Anti Pot Ads, if you know Doug Benson, I’m sure you understand how Doug feels about the subject.  Here is Doug’s stand Up comedy bit explaining his feelings for anti pot ads. Here is the commercial of the girl melting into the couch …