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This Dog Tackle is AMAZING Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

Holy crap, this dog tackle is absolutely amazing.

We're not sure where this video was made (it definitely looks like Eastern Europe), but it's probably the best dog tackle we've ever seen. I mean, really?! That dog is awesome!

It looks like these guys are all friends (or co-workers) either in the military or just really like camo. They could also be hunting, which would explain the exercise they seem to be doing. It also looks like they've done this kind of dog tackle set-up before, since they were all in position and it was being filmed.

Anyway, the "friends" or "co-workers" release their German Shepard, and it immediately proceeds to run as fast as it can and ran straight into a guy legs. The dog's tackle was pretty amazingly perfect. Like, if this were the Dog Tackle Olympics and we were Eastern European judges and we had to score the German Shepard, we would definitely give it a Perfect 10.

Watch the dog tackle above and tell me you've seen a better one EVER. We guarantee you that no other one exists as cool as this one.

Share with your friends on Facebook and Twitter so they can see the best dog tackle ever, too!


This Dog Tackle is AMAZING

Holy crap, this dog tackle is absolutely amazing.

We’re not sure where this video was made (it definitely looks like Eastern Europe), but it’s probably the best dog tackle we’ve ever seen. I mean, really?! That dog is awesome!

It looks like these guys are all friends (or co-workers) either in the military or just really like camo. They could also be hunting, which would explain the exercise they seem to be doing. It also looks like they’ve done this kind of dog tackle set-up before, since they were all in position and it was being filmed.

Anyway, the “friends” or “co-workers” release their German Shepard, and it immediately proceeds to run as fast as it can and ran straight into a guy legs. The dog’s tackle was pretty amazingly perfect. Like, if this were the Dog Tackle Olympics and we were Eastern European judges and we had to score the German Shepard, we would definitely give it a Perfect 10.

Watch the dog tackle above and tell me you’ve seen a better one EVER. We guarantee you that no other one exists as cool as this one.

Share with your friends on Facebook and Twitter so they can see the best dog tackle ever, too!


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