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This Dog Does Not Like Bears! Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos ,

This dog does not like bears! In this hilarious video that originally surfaced in 2010 in the United Kingdom but recently went viral again the States, a dog named Akita is just hanging out with her owners, getting pet and licking faces, when she walks over to the family's television and sees a bear chasing after a kid on the screen. The dog goes into attack mode (it sounds scarier than it's actually pretty adorable) and tries to take down the bear. Except unfortunately (or fortunately?) the bear is not there to fight the dog. A nearby human is clearly laughing and tries to hold Akita back from tipping the television over and realizing her dream to take that bear down! When everybody else in the room figures out what's going on they start laughing at Akita as well. Every time the bear comes on the screen Akita gets on her hind legs and lunges towards the bear on the television. It's one of the cutest dog reaction videos you'll see on YouTube, and after you watch it chances are you'll want to get an Akita of your own to defend your person and property from bears that might be lurking in your backyard!

This Dog Does Not Like Bears!

This dog does not like bears! In this hilarious video that originally surfaced in 2010 in the United Kingdom but recently went viral again the States, a dog named Akita is just hanging out with her owners, getting pet and licking faces, when she walks over to the family’s television and sees a bear chasing after a kid on the screen. The dog goes into attack mode (it sounds scarier than it’s actually pretty adorable) and tries to take down the bear. Except unfortunately (or fortunately?) the bear is not there to fight the dog. A nearby human is clearly laughing and tries to hold Akita back from tipping the television over and realizing her dream to take that bear down! When everybody else in the room figures out what’s going on they start laughing at Akita as well. Every time the bear comes on the screen Akita gets on her hind legs and lunges towards the bear on the television. It’s one of the cutest dog reaction videos you’ll see on YouTube, and after you watch it chances are you’ll want to get an Akita of your own to defend your person and property from bears that might be lurking in your backyard!

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