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Dog Learns to Hop Through Door Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos ,

OH. MY. GOD. How cute is this dog?

In this adorable video you see pet owner Jason Sanders' super cute dog, who was recently in an accident. Thankfully the pup is totally OK now, but because he hurt his front legs (and also has a cone) he has to wear a set of casts. This prevents the dog from doing regular dog stuff, like walking or running.

But this smart dog figured out a way to go about his life. He somehow learned to walk (or hop) on his hind legs. You can see in this video how he gets through the sliding glass door, and it's super cute!

Who knew that dogs could instinctually learn how to walk on their hind legs? I had no idea but I'm starting to think that dogs are smarter than humans when it comes to recovering from injuries! But then again they do have TWO sets of legs, though technically our arms probably counted as those at some point on our evolution timeline.

Watch this adorable dog video and share it with your friends on Facebook! We really hop that the dog owner release new videos of this adorable pup as soon as possible! He's too cute not to watch again!

Dog Learns to Hop Through Door

OH. MY. GOD. How cute is this dog?

In this adorable video you see pet owner Jason Sanders’ super cute dog, who was recently in an accident. Thankfully the pup is totally OK now, but because he hurt his front legs (and also has a cone) he has to wear a set of casts. This prevents the dog from doing regular dog stuff, like walking or running.

But this smart dog figured out a way to go about his life. He somehow learned to walk (or hop) on his hind legs. You can see in this video how he gets through the sliding glass door, and it’s super cute!

Who knew that dogs could instinctually learn how to walk on their hind legs? I had no idea but I’m starting to think that dogs are smarter than humans when it comes to recovering from injuries! But then again they do have TWO sets of legs, though technically our arms probably counted as those at some point on our evolution timeline.

Watch this adorable dog video and share it with your friends on Facebook! We really hop that the dog owner release new videos of this adorable pup as soon as possible! He’s too cute not to watch again!

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