The classic dog in hammock photo is one of my favorite photos on the Internet. Not only does the look on the dog's face really say it all (Uh Oh), it's funny because we all know that feeling. But luckily the dog in hammock photo isn't the only photo out there that tells the same story. There are tons of other funny photos of animals stuck in hilarious (but very safe) situations.
We put together this gallery of funny animals stuck photos (leading off with the classic dog in hammock photo, of course.) And it has everything from a cat stuck in a Christmas tree with just his furry legs sticking out while asking for help, to a dog stuck on a stair railing (who's also asking for a little help) to a cow who somehow got it's head stuck in what looks like a large antenna (don't worry, he gets great reception!) and a fat cat who's not too fat to make it through the cat door thank you very much.
This dog in hammock and other funny animals stuck in funny situations gallery also features a cat who wants to know why you're home early, a dog who wants you to know he definitely got the fly (please don't look at the blinds), a cat who makes it pretty clear she prefers drapes when she's sitting in the window and a dog poking his head out the window to let you know that you won't believe what happened while you were gone (here's a hint: the window is broken.)
Check out more funny pictures!
The Dog in Hammock and Other Funny Animals Stuck

Dog in Hammock and Other Animals Stuck in Funny Positions: Uh Oh

The classic dog in hammock photo is one of my favorite photos on the Internet. Not only does the look on the dog's face really say it all (Uh Oh), it's funny because we all know that feeling. But luckily the dog in hammock photo isn't the only photo out there that tells the same story. There are tons of other funny photos of animals stuck in hilarious (but very safe) situations.
We put together this gallery of funny animals stuck photos (leading off with the classic dog in hammock photo, of course.) And it has everything from a cat stuck in a Christmas tree with just his furry legs sticking out while asking for help, to a dog stuck on a stair railing (who's also asking for a little help) to a cow who somehow got it's head stuck in what looks like a large antenna (don't worry, he gets great reception!) and a fat cat who's not too fat to make it through the cat door thank you very much.
This dog in hammock and other funny animals stuck in funny situations gallery also features a cat who wants to know why you're home early, a dog who wants you to know he definitely got the fly (please don't look at the blinds), a cat who makes it pretty clear she prefers drapes when she's sitting in the window and a dog poking his head out the window to let you know that you won't believe what happened while you were gone (here's a hint: the window is broken.)
Check out more funny pictures!