Did you know that there are a several hidden Google tricks that not that many people know about? If you don’t believe us, try this right now. Search for Do a Barrel Roll in Google and see what happens. Told ya, didn’t we? Aside from the Do a Barrel Roll Google trick, Google has several other amazing secrets and tools that will not only entertain you but make your search efforts that much more productive. We’ve listed out our favorite Google tricks below. And yes, Do a Barrel Roll is our favorite one! What’s your favorite Google trick? 1. Exclude Certain
Do a Barrel Roll Google and Other Awesome Secret Google Tricks

Did you know that there are a several hidden Google tricks that not that many people know about? If you don’t believe us, try this right now. Search for Do a Barrel Roll in Google and see what happens. Told ya, didn’t we? Aside from …