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Dave Chappelle Stand Up – Weed Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

Dave Chappelle is the funniest comedian alive today. I know, I know, Louis CK is the king of comedy, but Dave Chappelle had not only his stand up, but also his groundbreaking show that gives him the crown of the funniest man alive today. This clip about smoking weed is just another bit that proves it. Dave Chappelle doesn't want to smoke weed with black people anymore. He can't take it because, according to him, they just talk about their troubles and complain. White people on the other hand, are so ridiculous when they smoke weed that Dave will only smoke weed with white people now. Because when white people smoke weed they talk about the other times they got high. And then they list off every single thing they drank. "We did, uhh, two shots, four beers...." And, as Dave says, he could listen to that all night long.

But, this classic Dave Chappelle stand up warns, you definitely don't want to pass out around white people because they will do some borderline gay stuff like jam a carrot up your butt. Which is all true.

Dave Chappelle stand up is on the comeback trail thankfully. After his well publicized hiatus after the Chappelle Show was at its peak of popularity. If you ever have a chance to see Dave Chappelle stand up live, you should take that chance.
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Dave Chappelle Stand Up – Weed

Dave Chappelle is the funniest comedian alive today. I know, I know, Louis CK is the king of comedy, but Dave Chappelle had not only his stand up, but also his groundbreaking show that gives him the crown of the funniest man alive today. This clip about smoking weed is just another bit that proves it. Dave Chappelle doesn’t want to smoke weed with black people anymore. He can’t take it because, according to him, they just talk about their troubles and complain. White people on the other hand, are so ridiculous when they smoke weed that Dave will only smoke weed with white people now. Because when white people smoke weed they talk about the other times they got high. And then they list off every single thing they drank. “We did, uhh, two shots, four beers….” And, as Dave says, he could listen to that all night long.

But, this classic Dave Chappelle stand up warns, you definitely don’t want to pass out around white people because they will do some borderline gay stuff like jam a carrot up your butt. Which is all true.

Dave Chappelle stand up is on the comeback trail thankfully. After his well publicized hiatus after the Chappelle Show was at its peak of popularity. If you ever have a chance to see Dave Chappelle stand up live, you should take that chance.

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