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Things Couples Talk About After a Party Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos ,

We’ve ALL been there before. Whether you’re throwing a party or just leaving a friend’s party, you and your partner are bound to start talking some you know what about the other people at the party. “Oh my god did you see what Julie was wearing?!” “Were you flirting with her? You were totally flirting with her.” “Can you believe they made THAT for dinner?” “Do you think we left the party too early?” No matter how much we like/love the people at the party, there is always some shade being thrown after the fact. And that doesn’t mean you

Things Couples Talk About After a Party

We’ve ALL been there before. Whether you’re throwing a party or just leaving a friend’s party, you and your partner are bound to start talking some you know what about the other people at the party. “Oh my god did you see what Julie was …