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Celebrities Read Mean Tweets About Themselves Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

Few things are funnier than when celebrities read mean tweets about themselves. Jimmy Kimmel has found a gold mine of funny with his recurring series of very famous celebrities reading very mean tweets about themselves. And what makes this actually funny is that these tweets are actually mean. Like, no holding back mean. I'm surprised that some of these celebs would even read these on live television. Here are some of the best examples of when celebrities read mean tweets about themselves:

Julia Roberts: There are people who think Julia Roberts is hot! Her gigantic mouth looks like it will devour an elephant in one bite.

Matthew McConoughey is a d**k turd.

Don Cheadle: Don Cheadle seems like the guy I would never want to hang around with under any circumstances. He's so f****ing wack.

Ashton Kutcher: Ashton Kutcher needs to get hit by a bus ASAP.

Courtney Cox: I hate Courtney Cox. I f***ing hate her. P***y hoe.

Andy Garcia: If I've said it once, I've said it 100 times. F*** Andy Garcia.

Mindy Kaling: Mindy Kaling is not funny or attractive. Her voice is annoying. Why does she have her own show?

David Blaine: David Blaine looks like his voice is putting his face to sleep.

Ethan Hawke: Ethan Hawke seems like the kind of guy who wasn't supposed to be a movie star. But he slipped through the cracks and everyone was like "OK."

June Squibb: Oh F**k off June Squibb.

Emma Stone: Emma Stone looks like she smells like cat piss.

And there's a few more great ones in there. Watch the video above to see a bunch of funny celebrities read mean tweets about themselves.

And watch more funny videos here!



Celebrities Read Mean Tweets About Themselves

Few things are funnier than when celebrities read mean tweets about themselves. Jimmy Kimmel has found a gold mine of funny with his recurring series of very famous celebrities reading very mean tweets about themselves. And what makes this actually funny is that these tweets are actually mean. Like, no holding back mean. I’m surprised that some of these celebs would even read these on live television. Here are some of the best examples of when celebrities read mean tweets about themselves:

Julia Roberts: There are people who think Julia Roberts is hot! Her gigantic mouth looks like it will devour an elephant in one bite.

Matthew McConoughey is a d**k turd.

Don Cheadle: Don Cheadle seems like the guy I would never want to hang around with under any circumstances. He’s so f****ing wack.

Ashton Kutcher: Ashton Kutcher needs to get hit by a bus ASAP.

Courtney Cox: I hate Courtney Cox. I f***ing hate her. P***y hoe.

Andy Garcia: If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it 100 times. F*** Andy Garcia.

Mindy Kaling: Mindy Kaling is not funny or attractive. Her voice is annoying. Why does she have her own show?

David Blaine: David Blaine looks like his voice is putting his face to sleep.

Ethan Hawke: Ethan Hawke seems like the kind of guy who wasn’t supposed to be a movie star. But he slipped through the cracks and everyone was like “OK.”

June Squibb: Oh F**k off June Squibb.

Emma Stone: Emma Stone looks like she smells like cat piss.

And there’s a few more great ones in there. Watch the video above to see a bunch of funny celebrities read mean tweets about themselves.

And watch more funny videos here!



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