Everyone knows cats are smart and nothing can stands in their way of their friends. It doesn’t take long for the cat to figure out how to outsmart their two-legged friends. The only question is how high do we need to stack the rolls of toilet paper. This should be the next Olympics event.
If you have a cat, you know how awesome they can be. Left to their own devices, cats can pretty much get away with doing anything. And in this case, that includes yoga poses. This awesome GIF shows a trained yoga professional doing an extremely intricate yoga pose. And then you see an amazing cat doing pretty much the same thing. It’s awesome.
This Cat Is Really Good at Yoga

File this “Snapcat” under Reason No. 1,450,756 that I need a cat right friggin’ now!! In case you’re not familiar with what snapcat is, it’s the creation of a clearly very talented and gift girl who likes to take photos of her cat in Snapchat and then place it in very comical situations with the Snapchat tools. She likes to call her Snapchat cat masterpieces snapcat, which we think is pretty much the best name ever for this project. It also makes Snapchat somewhat tolerable considering used to seem like one of the most worthless inventions ever until snapcat came along.
Snapcat is AMAZING

Meet Meatball, the fattest cat in the world. Even though it’s sad to see a cat this big, it’s also slightly funny because he is just SO LARGE. The good news is that world’s fattest cat is now on a strict diet, so we can expect him to not only get healthier but we’re hoping live an even longer life. So how did Meatball the fattest cat in the world come to be? Well, sadly his owners turned him into the Maricopa County Animal Care and Control in Phoenix, Arizona after they were unable to care for him anymore. The
This Might Be the World’s Fattest Cat

We wish somebody would make one of these super cool cat forts for us! Clearly these cats’ owners really, really, love them, because they’ve made some pretty amazing cat forts for their cats to play in. Granted, some of these look pretty simple (cats love them anyway), but the majority of these cat forts are pretty far out. There’s “Fort Meow,” which has a drawbridge for cats to peek through (which is awesome), and then there’s a cat fort that we don’t know how to describe except by saying that it looks like a dinosaur robot/transformer that would be
Super Cool Cat Forts

Once you see these cat photobombs, you might switch from being a dog person to a cat person. This might be the best cat photobombs collection of all time. These cats are stealthy, and watching them sneak their way into baby photos, girls’ night out, and selfies is one of the best things ever. I mean, who doesn’t love a photobombing cat? I honestly think, after looking at these cat photobombs, that cats might have way more personality than dogs. I mean, some of them even act human. I wish I had a cat so I could get them to
The Best Cat Photobombs Ever

Dogs have masters. Cats have staff.- Anonymous Funny Quote About Cats and Dogs