I think we can all agree that while human selfies are bad, cat selfies are kind of amazing. So to give you less of the bad stuff in the world and more of the good stuff, here's a fun gallery of funny pictures of cats taking selfies of themselves. We didn't even know they knew how to work a camera. We thought most cats just laid around and waited for someone else to take a photo of them.
Check out more funny pictures!
This gallery has it all, really. Morning cats, cats at angles, cats too close. We're not sure if these pictures are mistakes where the cat accidentally took the photo or if these are perfectly timed by their owners. Either way, I could look at these cat selfies all day long. Now someone needs to create some sort of Cat Facebook or Cat OK Cupid to gives these selfies a perfect home.
Cat Selfies Are Better Than Your Selfies

I think we can all agree that while human selfies are bad, cat selfies are kind of amazing. So to give you less of the bad stuff in the world and more of the good stuff, here's a fun gallery of funny pictures of cats taking selfies of themselves. We didn't even know they knew how to work a camera. We thought most cats just laid around and waited for someone else to take a photo of them.
Check out more funny pictures!
This gallery has it all, really. Morning cats, cats at angles, cats too close. We're not sure if these pictures are mistakes where the cat accidentally took the photo or if these are perfectly timed by their owners. Either way, I could look at these cat selfies all day long. Now someone needs to create some sort of Cat Facebook or Cat OK Cupid to gives these selfies a perfect home.