These bull terrier illustrations are pretty cool!
While most people like to take fun photos with their kids and insert them into dream-like photo setups, one bull terrier owner decided to do the same with his dog...and we love the results!
Click through these amazing images of this adorable bull terrier to see the situations his owner has put him in. From a police mugshot to the movie poster for JAWS and as a nude model posing with his legs sprawled out, there's apparently nothing this bull terrier can't do. We especially love the one of the bull terrier flying through the air like Superman, or the one where his owner made a sign that said "Free Hugs" and drew arms coming out from the side of the dog so it looks like he's standing there waiting for a hug from yoy. We would hug this bull terrier any day, any where!
Would you ever make cool art with your dog or pet like this? First I would imagine you need a pretty willing participant, which this bull terrier seems to be! And then I guess you need those pretty awesome drawings skills which I definitely DONT' have. So I guess this idea is blown out of the water for me. Sigh.
In the meantime, enjoy these funny bull terrier photos!
Bull Terrier Art is Pretty Awesome

These bull terrier illustrations are pretty cool!
While most people like to take fun photos with their kids and insert them into dream-like photo setups, one bull terrier owner decided to do the same with his dog...and we love the results!
Click through these amazing images of this adorable bull terrier to see the situations his owner has put him in. From a police mugshot to the movie poster for JAWS and as a nude model posing with his legs sprawled out, there's apparently nothing this bull terrier can't do. We especially love the one of the bull terrier flying through the air like Superman, or the one where his owner made a sign that said "Free Hugs" and drew arms coming out from the side of the dog so it looks like he's standing there waiting for a hug from yoy. We would hug this bull terrier any day, any where!
Would you ever make cool art with your dog or pet like this? First I would imagine you need a pretty willing participant, which this bull terrier seems to be! And then I guess you need those pretty awesome drawings skills which I definitely DONT' have. So I guess this idea is blown out of the water for me. Sigh.
In the meantime, enjoy these funny bull terrier photos!