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Bear Walking Upright is Hilarious AND Creepy Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

This video of a bear walking upright through a neighborhood is amazingly funny and also creepy at the same time. What would you do if you actually saw a bear walking upright in front of your house? Of course you would video tape it first, but then you might stop in your tracks and COMPLETELY FREAK OUT.

A lot of people are wondering if this bear walking upright is real, or maybe it's just a human walking around in a really, really, great bear costume. We have to say that we think this bear walking upright is DEFINITELY real. We also think that the most likely reason the bear is walking upright is because something is wrong with his paws...maybe he hurt them and is in the neighborhood hunting for food while we his injured (which is sad!). We're hoping the bear is OK, but in the meantime we can't stop watching this video of him!

Watch the bear walking upright for yourself and see if you think it's a real or a fake. If it is a fake, can you also tell us where we can get a costume that great for Halloween this year? It's a little hard to believe that something that realistic could actually exist!


Bear Walking Upright is Hilarious AND Creepy

This video of a bear walking upright through a neighborhood is amazingly funny and also creepy at the same time. What would you do if you actually saw a bear walking upright in front of your house? Of course you would video tape it first, but then you might stop in your tracks and COMPLETELY FREAK OUT.

A lot of people are wondering if this bear walking upright is real, or maybe it’s just a human walking around in a really, really, great bear costume. We have to say that we think this bear walking upright is DEFINITELY real. We also think that the most likely reason the bear is walking upright is because something is wrong with his paws…maybe he hurt them and is in the neighborhood hunting for food while we his injured (which is sad!). We’re hoping the bear is OK, but in the meantime we can’t stop watching this video of him!

Watch the bear walking upright for yourself and see if you think it’s a real or a fake. If it is a fake, can you also tell us where we can get a costume that great for Halloween this year? It’s a little hard to believe that something that realistic could actually exist!


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