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Barking Cat Gets Busted, Starts Meowing Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

Have you ever seen a barking cat before? Well, now you have. This video is so weird I don't know what to make of it. A cat is sitting in a window and clearly making a barking noise. We can't tell what this barking cat is barking at. Or why it's barking. But it's making a barking sound as plain as day when it thinks no one is looking.

When the cat turns around to see a human is right behind him, the barking cat seems to stop for a second, almost like he got caught or busted and looked a little sheepish. Then, trying to play it off cool, the cat turns back towards the outside and continues making sound. But this time the bark turns into a more cat-like meowing sound.

Do cats do this? Do cats pretend to be other animals when they think no one is looking. Why was this cat barking? I have more questions than answers after watching this video. But it's funny and hilarious to watch the realization dawn on this cat's face as he realizes that he is not alone. And since the human (who I assume is his owner) is filming, he's probably laughing at the cat, which made the barking cat stop barking. Which, whether you believe or not, cats are aware when you are laughing at them instead of with them.

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Barking Cat Gets Busted, Starts Meowing

Have you ever seen a barking cat before? Well, now you have. This video is so weird I don’t know what to make of it. A cat is sitting in a window and clearly making a barking noise. We can’t tell what this barking cat is barking at. Or why it’s barking. But it’s making a barking sound as plain as day when it thinks no one is looking.

When the cat turns around to see a human is right behind him, the barking cat seems to stop for a second, almost like he got caught or busted and looked a little sheepish. Then, trying to play it off cool, the cat turns back towards the outside and continues making sound. But this time the bark turns into a more cat-like meowing sound.

Do cats do this? Do cats pretend to be other animals when they think no one is looking. Why was this cat barking? I have more questions than answers after watching this video. But it’s funny and hilarious to watch the realization dawn on this cat’s face as he realizes that he is not alone. And since the human (who I assume is his owner) is filming, he’s probably laughing at the cat, which made the barking cat stop barking. Which, whether you believe or not, cats are aware when you are laughing at them instead of with them.

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