Hopefully you’ve already seen the first Bane Cat video (if not you have to watch it), because it was an instant classic. And now, back by popular demand, a second BaneCat video has returned! While it’s not quite as awesome as the first one, it’s still pretty great. Basically anytime you have a cat dressed up as a character from Batman you’re going to have a good time…which is why it’s so awesome that this video has not only Bane Cat in it, but a new Joker Cat as well (complete with smeared lipstick). Bane Cat, if you’re not familiar, is a
Hopefully you’ve already seen the first Bane Cat video (if not you have to watch it), because it was an instant classic. And now, back by popular demand, a second BaneCat video has returned! While it’s not quite as awesome as the first one, it’s still pretty …
This Bane Cat video might be one of the best scripted cat videos EVER. Inspired by the supervillian Bane from the Batman series and The Dark Knight Also Rises (played by Tom Hardy). Bane was the protector of Talia al Ghul and the field commander of the League of Shadows, and was one of the scariest Batman villians with his creepy face mask that he wore at all time to prevent his body from experiencing crippling levels of pain. In this Bane Cat video, the creators have put a regular house cat into a Bane mask and recreated Bane’s voice to make the cat extra
This Bane Cat video might be one of the best scripted cat videos EVER. Inspired by the supervillian Bane from the Batman series and The Dark Knight Also Rises (played by Tom Hardy). Bane was the protector of Talia al Ghul and the field commander of the League of …