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Baby Goes Crazy for Remote Control Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos ,

OMG. This baby is so excited for the remote control that he reminds us of someone else we know, right ladies?! Our husbands! These babies really do learn at a young age, don't they? :)

What's so cute about watching this baby get so excited about the remote control is that he's clearly mesmerized by it. As soon as his parents take the remote control out of his site he goes back to being a totally normally baby. But then as soon as they put the remote control back in front of his face he gets so excited his hands and legs start shaking and his mouth drops open. How cute is that?!

We have to think that the baby is getting so excited for the remote control because of the odd shape and what we're guessing are bright colors are the buttons. Maybe it's just so overstimulating to him that he gets so excited he has to shake. Which also reminds us of when football season starts and our husband is plopped on the couch and gets so excited knowing he can watch so many games in one day. In fact we think this new video of the remote control baby should be the intro for every NFL game.


Baby Goes Crazy for Remote Control

OMG. This baby is so excited for the remote control that he reminds us of someone else we know, right ladies?! Our husbands! These babies really do learn at a young age, don’t they? 🙂

What’s so cute about watching this baby get so excited about the remote control is that he’s clearly mesmerized by it. As soon as his parents take the remote control out of his site he goes back to being a totally normally baby. But then as soon as they put the remote control back in front of his face he gets so excited his hands and legs start shaking and his mouth drops open. How cute is that?!

We have to think that the baby is getting so excited for the remote control because of the odd shape and what we’re guessing are bright colors are the buttons. Maybe it’s just so overstimulating to him that he gets so excited he has to shake. Which also reminds us of when football season starts and our husband is plopped on the couch and gets so excited knowing he can watch so many games in one day. In fact we think this new video of the remote control baby should be the intro for every NFL game.


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