Awkward Mother's Day Cards. Most moms have gotten them at one point in their life. And they can happen at any age. They can happen when you have a toddler who is just learning how to spell and he writes something completely inappropriate, or they can happen when you have a grown child who is financially dependent on you and somehow is not embarrassed to say it. Awkward Mother's Day Cards can happen to the best of us.
This collection of Awkward Mother's Day Cards might make you laugh or cry. The best ones are typically the ones done by little kids who have no idea what they're saying. Like the one kid who drew her mom in what looked like a penis car. Or the other who asked his mom to please not cook her meatloaf anymore. The best one, however, is the Awkward Mother's Day Card where the child asks his mom to do better things for him. Because after all, Mother's Day is really about the kids, isn't it?
Click through the gallery to see the best Awkard Mother's Day Cards online, and don't be surprised if you recognize a saying or two that your own kid has said. There's nothing more special than being called a wino on Mother's Day, now is there?
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Awkward Mother’s Day Cards

Awkward Mother's Day Cards. Most moms have gotten them at one point in their life. And they can happen at any age. They can happen when you have a toddler who is just learning how to spell and he writes something completely inappropriate, or they can happen when you have a grown child who is financially dependent on you and somehow is not embarrassed to say it. Awkward Mother's Day Cards can happen to the best of us.
This collection of Awkward Mother's Day Cards might make you laugh or cry. The best ones are typically the ones done by little kids who have no idea what they're saying. Like the one kid who drew her mom in what looked like a penis car. Or the other who asked his mom to please not cook her meatloaf anymore. The best one, however, is the Awkward Mother's Day Card where the child asks his mom to do better things for him. Because after all, Mother's Day is really about the kids, isn't it?
Click through the gallery to see the best Awkard Mother's Day Cards online, and don't be surprised if you recognize a saying or two that your own kid has said. There's nothing more special than being called a wino on Mother's Day, now is there?
Check out more funny pictures!