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Laughing Owl is Adorable Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

So this laughing owl might not be actually LAUGHING (because WHO knows if owls can really laugh, right?!), but whatever this owl is doing, it's pretty awesome and we're glad there's a video of it.

While we're not sure if laughing owls actually exist, we do know that CUTE owls exist...and this is definitely one of them. I love how the one owl on the left is just kind of hanging out, and then the spotted owl doesn't really start to laugh until the camera starts filming him or her. This laughing owl should be put into show!

We never knew how cute owls actually were until we saw this laughing owl video. It makes us wonder what other kind of awesome things owls can do. Can they chuckle? Or can they give a kind of sarcastic sigh? I feel like owls might be able to do more than we think they can after seeing this laughing owl video. And now that we've seen it we want to see more owl videos as soon as possible.

Watch the laughing owl video above and then share with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. In the meantime, we'll be over here searching for more great owl videos so we can get our fix.

Laughing Owl is Adorable

So this laughing owl might not be actually LAUGHING (because WHO knows if owls can really laugh, right?!), but whatever this owl is doing, it’s pretty awesome and we’re glad there’s a video of it.

While we’re not sure if laughing owls actually exist, we do know that CUTE owls exist…and this is definitely one of them. I love how the one owl on the left is just kind of hanging out, and then the spotted owl doesn’t really start to laugh until the camera starts filming him or her. This laughing owl should be put into show business…fast!

We never knew how cute owls actually were until we saw this laughing owl video. It makes us wonder what other kind of awesome things owls can do. Can they chuckle? Or can they give a kind of sarcastic sigh? I feel like owls might be able to do more than we think they can after seeing this laughing owl video. And now that we’ve seen it we want to see more owl videos as soon as possible.

Watch the laughing owl video above and then share with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. In the meantime, we’ll be over here searching for more great owl videos so we can get our fix.

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