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Watch Kevin Spacey’s Amazing Impersonations on Jimmy Fallon Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

I don't know about you, but I had no idea that Kevin Spacey impersonations were such a big thing! I didn't actually know the House of Cards and American Beauty star did impersonations at all! But all of that changed late last week when Kevin Spacey appeared on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and did his best impersonations.

I love these Kevin Spacey impersonations on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon's "Wheel of Impressions." In the segment you see hilarious impersonations by both Kevin Spacey and Jimmy Fallon. But it's really the Kevin Spacey impersonations that steal the show. Spacey does amazing impersonations of of Johnny Carson, Bill Clinton, and my favorite...Christopher Walken. Seriously, they are spot-on and so good, if you closed your eyes you probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference or that it wasn't that person themselves.

I loved Kevin Spacey before, but now I'm an even bigger fan considering these impersonations. I would love to see Kevin Spacey impersonations of a few more people, such as Eddie Murphy, Al Pacino (which I've heard he's done but I've never seen),Robert DeNiro and maybe someone totally out of the box like Julia Childs. Now that would be truly amazing!


Watch Kevin Spacey’s Amazing Impersonations on Jimmy Fallon

I don’t know about you, but I had no idea that Kevin Spacey impersonations were such a big thing! I didn’t actually know the House of Cards and American Beauty star did impersonations at all! But all of that changed late last week when Kevin Spacey appeared on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and did his best impersonations.

I love these Kevin Spacey impersonations on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon’s “Wheel of Impressions.” In the segment you see hilarious impersonations by both Kevin Spacey and Jimmy Fallon. But it’s really the Kevin Spacey impersonations that steal the show. Spacey does amazing impersonations of of Johnny Carson, Bill Clinton, and my favorite…Christopher Walken. Seriously, they are spot-on and so good, if you closed your eyes you probably wouldn’t be able to tell the difference or that it wasn’t that person themselves.

I loved Kevin Spacey before, but now I’m an even bigger fan considering these impersonations. I would love to see Kevin Spacey impersonations of a few more people, such as Eddie Murphy, Al Pacino (which I’ve heard he’s done but I’ve never seen),Robert DeNiro and maybe someone totally out of the box like Julia Childs. Now that would be truly amazing!


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