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This Fireplace Fairy is Too Funny Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

We know we shouldn't laugh at this little girl's misfortune when it comes to her new toy, but this fireplace fairy is just too funny not to.

In this America's Funniest Home Video (which recently won a grand prize), an adorable little girl opens up her gift, which is a brand new fairy with a pink tutu and wings that actually work.

Her parents, who must have been so excited to give her the gift and see her priceless reaction, have her turn the fairy on so she can see it work.

At first everything seems to be going A-OK. The little girl puts the fairy on its magic base and turns it on. When she turns it on her yellow wings go round and round and prepare to take the fairy to flight. The fairy lifts off, and as the little girl looks on with amazement, she watches as it goes straight up in the air. While that's all fine and dandy, it's not until the starts moving to the right that the funny begins. That precious fairy takes a right and flies straight into the fireplace. Whoops!

We don't get to see too much of the little girl's reaction, but that first moment when she sees it start to fly into the fire is both sad and hilarious. Watch and see for yourself!

This Fireplace Fairy is Too Funny

We know we shouldn’t laugh at this little girl’s misfortune when it comes to her new toy, but this fireplace fairy is just too funny not to.

In this America’s Funniest Home Video (which recently won a grand prize), an adorable little girl opens up her gift, which is a brand new fairy with a pink tutu and wings that actually work.

Her parents, who must have been so excited to give her the gift and see her priceless reaction, have her turn the fairy on so she can see it work.

At first everything seems to be going A-OK. The little girl puts the fairy on its magic base and turns it on. When she turns it on her yellow wings go round and round and prepare to take the fairy to flight. The fairy lifts off, and as the little girl looks on with amazement, she watches as it goes straight up in the air. While that’s all fine and dandy, it’s not until the starts moving to the right that the funny begins. That precious fairy takes a right and flies straight into the fireplace. Whoops!

We don’t get to see too much of the little girl’s reaction, but that first moment when she sees it start to fly into the fire is both sad and hilarious. Watch and see for yourself!

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