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This Dog CAN’T WAIT To Get Into the Water Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos ,

In this super cool video a dog owner straps a Go Pro Hero 3+ to the back of his labrador to see what it looks like as the dog goes barreling towards the ocean.

The labrador, whose name is Walter, is known to be super excited about getting in the water. So his owner, who clearly lives in some gorgeous seaside town in Sicily, decided to do what any good dog owner would and strap a camera to his back.

Walter can barely contain his excitement as the owner unleashes him and let's him create his own path into the ocean, which seems to be about a quarter of a mile away. What's so cool about it is that you can almost feel the excitement as the dog rushes to the water without a care in the world. Where a human would most likely pause to go carefully down the path Walter the labrador has no worries and just wanted to get into the ocean ASAP. It's kind of amazing!!

Does your dog do something as cool as Walter? We think more dog owners should strap a camera on their dog to create videos of what it's actually like to be a dog for a day!


This Dog CAN’T WAIT To Get Into the Water

In this super cool video a dog owner straps a Go Pro Hero 3+ to the back of his labrador to see what it looks like as the dog goes barreling towards the ocean.

The labrador, whose name is Walter, is known to be super excited about getting in the water. So his owner, who clearly lives in some gorgeous seaside town in Sicily, decided to do what any good dog owner would and strap a camera to his back.

Walter can barely contain his excitement as the owner unleashes him and let’s him create his own path into the ocean, which seems to be about a quarter of a mile away. What’s so cool about it is that you can almost feel the excitement as the dog rushes to the water without a care in the world. Where a human would most likely pause to go carefully down the path Walter the labrador has no worries and just wanted to get into the ocean ASAP. It’s kind of amazing!!

Does your dog do something as cool as Walter? We think more dog owners should strap a camera on their dog to create videos of what it’s actually like to be a dog for a day!


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