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Florida Road Rage Driver Get Instant Karma Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

This Florida road rage driver got a pretty sweet lesson about Instant Karma in this video. After tailgating a driver for a while, the good guy in this video started filming the idiot driving behind him. Probably just to get a record of the insane person behind him. Which ended up being a great idea because things went from bad to awesome.

The road rager pulls up alongside him and immediately flips him the bird while glaring menacingly. But then, justice prevails as the road rage moron tries to pass and then immediately fish tails and spins out into the median and wipes out completely, crashing his truck and getting his comeuppance for being a total jerk behind the wheel.

What is it about the sunshine state that really brings out the worst in people. When they're not chewing off someone's face, they are doing any other number of insane things. But clearly this Florida road rage driver is a pretty true representation of how a lot of news headlines have portrayed Florida (just Google "Florida Drunk Woman" and you'll see what we're talking about.

This video has totally exploded, getting over 10 million views in less than two weeks. It's been on everything from Dose of Funny (that's us!) to the Today Show (that's not us!).

Check out more funny videos here!

Florida Road Rage Driver Get Instant Karma

This Florida road rage driver got a pretty sweet lesson about Instant Karma in this video. After tailgating a driver for a while, the good guy in this video started filming the idiot driving behind him. Probably just to get a record of the insane person behind him. Which ended up being a great idea because things went from bad to awesome.

The road rager pulls up alongside him and immediately flips him the bird while glaring menacingly. But then, justice prevails as the road rage moron tries to pass and then immediately fish tails and spins out into the median and wipes out completely, crashing his truck and getting his comeuppance for being a total jerk behind the wheel.

What is it about the sunshine state that really brings out the worst in people. When they’re not chewing off someone’s face, they are doing any other number of insane things. But clearly this Florida road rage driver is a pretty true representation of how a lot of news headlines have portrayed Florida (just Google “Florida Drunk Woman” and you’ll see what we’re talking about.

This video has totally exploded, getting over 10 million views in less than two weeks. It’s been on everything from Dose of Funny (that’s us!) to the Today Show (that’s not us!).

Check out more funny videos here!

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