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Possibly Drunk Russian Guy Falls Hard Off Bed Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

We're pretty sure this guy is Russian. We're also pretty sure this guy is drunk. But we're definitely sure this drunk Russian guy is not very good at casually hopping down off of a bed. Is he an old man in a dorm? Is this a jail? We have a lot more questions than answers when it comes to this video, but I'm not going to lie: I never get tired of funny videos of people falling down.

There's something about a really good fall that touches something primal in all of us (as long as everyone's OK, of course.) And it seems like this guy is going to be fine, although his ego is going to be bruised a lot more than his bones. Then again, if he is as drunk as it seems like he is, then he may not even remember this epic falling video.

Possibly Drunk Russian Guy Falls Hard Off Bed

We’re pretty sure this guy is Russian. We’re also pretty sure this guy is drunk. But we’re definitely sure this drunk Russian guy is not very good at casually hopping down off of a bed. Is he an old man in a dorm? Is this a jail? We have a lot more questions than answers when it comes to this video, but I’m not going to lie: I never get tired of funny videos of people falling down.

There’s something about a really good fall that touches something primal in all of us (as long as everyone’s OK, of course.) And it seems like this guy is going to be fine, although his ego is going to be bruised a lot more than his bones. Then again, if he is as drunk as it seems like he is, then he may not even remember this epic falling video.

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