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Dog That Screams Like A Man Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

There are a lot of animals out there that scream like humans. Goats especially. But this video of a dog that screams like a man has got me laughing for the last hour. I have no idea if this dog is trying to bark or howl or what, but whatever he's doing it sounds exactly like a man screaming for help.

We'll post the goat that also screams like a man at some point, but until then, please enjoy yourself with this dog that screams like a man. This little guy has got spunk. And while I love this video so much, I think owning this dog would get very old very fast. After an hour of laughing until you cry at this dog would leave you just crying, especially if he had a tendency to do this all night long.

If this dog screamed like a man all night long, something tells me the man that owned him might start also screaming like a man...who is never getting any sleep.

Dog That Screams Like A Man

There are a lot of animals out there that scream like humans. Goats especially. But this video of a dog that screams like a man has got me laughing for the last hour. I have no idea if this dog is trying to bark or howl or what, but whatever he’s doing it sounds exactly like a man screaming for help.

We’ll post the goat that also screams like a man at some point, but until then, please enjoy yourself with this dog that screams like a man. This little guy has got spunk. And while I love this video so much, I think owning this dog would get very old very fast. After an hour of laughing until you cry at this dog would leave you just crying, especially if he had a tendency to do this all night long.

If this dog screamed like a man all night long, something tells me the man that owned him might start also screaming like a man…who is never getting any sleep.

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