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15 Very Funny One Liner Jokes Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Jokes Videos

The best way to become everyone's best friend or the greatest guy at any party is to have a handful of hilarious and funny one liner jokes at the ready. Not only will they always give you something to talk about when there's a lull in the conversation, but you will also be able to impress the ladies. This video of the 15 best one liners should be memorized so you can pull one out at the right time.

Now, the art to telling a joke is very dicey. It's not a science, you have to feel when it's right. If you're at a dinner with your father in law or boss, pull it out when the mood is light, but there's not much going on. If your boss is talking to you about some downsizing and firings, that's not the time for one of these. If your father in law is talking about anything health related, that would also be a bad time to try and tell a funny joke. Even if it is a one-liner.

Use your gut to know when the time is right to pull out a fun and funny one liner and you'll be successful. But most important of all is that you don't want to be the guy who is overbearing with his jokes. Think of Cousin Eddie from Christmas Vacation. That guy is lame. But if you time them perfectly and space them out then you'll be able to be the guy people want to hear more jokes from.

Of course, jokes are a subjective thing so always check your audience before you tell any funny one liner jokes. Some people get offended easily. This isn't always the case, but when in doubt, cteer clear of grandmas and single aunts. If your with your best friends, fire away. If they're you're friends, then they'll appreciate it.


15 Very Funny One Liner Jokes

The best way to become everyone’s best friend or the greatest guy at any party is to have a handful of hilarious and funny one liner jokes at the ready. Not only will they always give you something to talk about when there’s a lull in the conversation, but you will also be able to impress the ladies. This video of the 15 best one liners should be memorized so you can pull one out at the right time.

Now, the art to telling a joke is very dicey. It’s not a science, you have to feel when it’s right. If you’re at a dinner with your father in law or boss, pull it out when the mood is light, but there’s not much going on. If your boss is talking to you about some downsizing and firings, that’s not the time for one of these. If your father in law is talking about anything health related, that would also be a bad time to try and tell a funny joke. Even if it is a one-liner.

Use your gut to know when the time is right to pull out a fun and funny one liner and you’ll be successful. But most important of all is that you don’t want to be the guy who is overbearing with his jokes. Think of Cousin Eddie from Christmas Vacation. That guy is lame. But if you time them perfectly and space them out then you’ll be able to be the guy people want to hear more jokes from.

Of course, jokes are a subjective thing so always check your audience before you tell any funny one liner jokes. Some people get offended easily. This isn’t always the case, but when in doubt, cteer clear of grandmas and single aunts. If your with your best friends, fire away. If they’re you’re friends, then they’ll appreciate it.


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