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Funny Dog Video: Watch Dogs Get Confused By A Magic Trick Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

Don't feel so bad the next time you are completely confused and flummoxed by a magic trick. You're not alone, as proofed by these dogs in this funny dog video who are equally confused by this simple magic trick. Will this start a whole new genre of dog magicians making funny dog videos for dog audiences? God, I hope so because that would be amazing.

As you can see in this funny dog video, these excited pooches think they are about to get a treat out of this guy's hand. He quickly covers his hand and poof--the treat is gone. A classic magic trick to you and me. But hilariously, the dogs become completely confused and start to frantically look all over the place for the missing treat to no avail. When they can't find it, they clearly start to look for help from the people standing off camera to see if they have figured out where this magic trick has taken their treat. This would almost be mean if it wasn't so funny to see these little doggies confused and bewildered when the treat they are so excited for vanishes into thin air.

Penn and Teller would be proud of this video by Scandinavian mentalist and illusionist Jose Ahonen. If you recall, Penn and Teller have made a career out of showing their audience the behind-the-scenes of how their tricks are done. (And yeah, they have taken a lot of heat from their colleagues for showing behind the curtain.) We'd like to see more of these videos of dogs and magicians. I mean, if Las Vegas can have 100 shows running magic tricks, then I think they would kill it with a few shows of dog-related magic tricks. Dogs are pretty easy to fool, but think about it. The Internet loves dogs and they also love magic tricks. Combine those two and you've got yourself a sold out run at any one of the major Vegas hotels of dogs and magic tricks. Look out Celine Dion.

Funny Dog Video: Watch Dogs Get Confused By A Magic Trick

Don’t feel so bad the next time you are completely confused and flummoxed by a magic trick. You’re not alone, as proofed by these dogs in this funny dog video who are equally confused by this simple magic trick. Will this start a whole new genre of dog magicians making funny dog videos for dog audiences? God, I hope so because that would be amazing.

As you can see in this funny dog video, these excited pooches think they are about to get a treat out of this guy’s hand. He quickly covers his hand and poof–the treat is gone. A classic magic trick to you and me. But hilariously, the dogs become completely confused and start to frantically look all over the place for the missing treat to no avail. When they can’t find it, they clearly start to look for help from the people standing off camera to see if they have figured out where this magic trick has taken their treat. This would almost be mean if it wasn’t so funny to see these little doggies confused and bewildered when the treat they are so excited for vanishes into thin air.

Penn and Teller would be proud of this video by Scandinavian mentalist and illusionist Jose Ahonen. If you recall, Penn and Teller have made a career out of showing their audience the behind-the-scenes of how their tricks are done. (And yeah, they have taken a lot of heat from their colleagues for showing behind the curtain.) We’d like to see more of these videos of dogs and magicians. I mean, if Las Vegas can have 100 shows running magic tricks, then I think they would kill it with a few shows of dog-related magic tricks. Dogs are pretty easy to fool, but think about it. The Internet loves dogs and they also love magic tricks. Combine those two and you’ve got yourself a sold out run at any one of the major Vegas hotels of dogs and magic tricks. Look out Celine Dion.

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