You think you love roller coasters? Well, no matter how much you love going on giant rides at Great America or Disneyland, you don't love them as much as this 70-year-old German grandmother. Seriously, look at her face when she's on a roller coaster. That is pure joy. Most grandmothers love watching sitcoms and complaining about how you're not having enough babies, but this grandmother loves rollercoasters. A lot. And I can't blame her, but it's awesome she made this video to share her love of going super fast.
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This 70-Year-Old Grandmother Loves Rollercoasters
You think you love roller coasters? Well, no matter how much you love going on giant rides at Great America or Disneyland, you don’t love them as much as this 70-year-old German grandmother. Seriously, look at her face when she’s on a roller coaster. That is pure joy. Most grandmothers love watching sitcoms and complaining about how you’re not having enough babies, but this grandmother loves rollercoasters. A lot. And I can’t blame her, but it’s awesome she made this video to share her love of going super fast.
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