Perfectly timed photos are NOT a dime a dozen. It takes hard to work capture a moment using a camera that is exactly right. Which is what makes these particular perfectly timed photos so amazing.
There are a ton of funny perfectly timed photos in this gallery, but there are also a handful of really spectacular ones that aren't to be missed!
From the perfectly timed baby getting sick and then dog flying in mid-air to the lone solider yawning or the basketball referee who looks like he's the king of all beers, these perfectly timed photos are crazy. One of my favorites has to be the one where the baseball is plummeting into a crowd at the stadium, and everybody around it is freaking out thinking it's going to hit them. I would be too if a baseball was flying 90 miles an hour towards my face!
Enjoy this gallery of perfectly timed photos and share with your friends on Facebook if you love it like we do! And let this gallery encourage you to take your own photos amazing photos. Whether you're caught in a rain storm or watching your dog play in the park. You never know which ones will come out perfectly timed or not!
40 of the Coolest Perfectly Timed Photos

Perfectly timed photos are NOT a dime a dozen. It takes hard to work capture a moment using a camera that is exactly right. Which is what makes these particular perfectly timed photos so amazing.
There are a ton of funny perfectly timed photos in this gallery, but there are also a handful of really spectacular ones that aren't to be missed!
From the perfectly timed baby getting sick and then dog flying in mid-air to the lone solider yawning or the basketball referee who looks like he's the king of all beers, these perfectly timed photos are crazy. One of my favorites has to be the one where the baseball is plummeting into a crowd at the stadium, and everybody around it is freaking out thinking it's going to hit them. I would be too if a baseball was flying 90 miles an hour towards my face!
Enjoy this gallery of perfectly timed photos and share with your friends on Facebook if you love it like we do! And let this gallery encourage you to take your own photos amazing photos. Whether you're caught in a rain storm or watching your dog play in the park. You never know which ones will come out perfectly timed or not!
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