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3 Ways to Fail A DUI Test Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

This is a funny video on the ways to fail a DUI test. And we'd like to start out by saying that you should never, ever drink and drive no matter what. But we are posting this video because it shows how stupid you look when you drink too much anyway. But you look even dumber when you drink too much and get behind the wheel.

These three ways to fail a DUI test are kind of epic, though. The first two are almost mind blowing that these two guys are even capable to stand up, let alone get into a car, start it and get behind the wheel and drive. The first guy is doing a field sobriety test and the police officer asks him to hold a tape measurer. But that doesn't last too long when he quickly loses his balance and cracks his head on the concrete with a very large thud.

The second one of the ways to fail a dui test is amazing. This guy is so drunk he smashes a hole in the wall of the police station. And then, when he gets up, he can stand up straight that he veers sideways and spins out of control and falls over 15 feet into the hallway. And the kicker is the cop who says "You've got to stop doing that." Clearly that cop has seen it all.

The last one of the ways to fail a DUI test is clearly fake, but still sort of funny when a guy pretends to pee on two cops giving him a field sobriety test.

Check out more funny videos! 

3 Ways to Fail A DUI Test

This is a funny video on the ways to fail a DUI test. And we’d like to start out by saying that you should never, ever drink and drive no matter what. But we are posting this video because it shows how stupid you look when you drink too much anyway. But you look even dumber when you drink too much and get behind the wheel.

These three ways to fail a DUI test are kind of epic, though. The first two are almost mind blowing that these two guys are even capable to stand up, let alone get into a car, start it and get behind the wheel and drive. The first guy is doing a field sobriety test and the police officer asks him to hold a tape measurer. But that doesn’t last too long when he quickly loses his balance and cracks his head on the concrete with a very large thud.

The second one of the ways to fail a dui test is amazing. This guy is so drunk he smashes a hole in the wall of the police station. And then, when he gets up, he can stand up straight that he veers sideways and spins out of control and falls over 15 feet into the hallway. And the kicker is the cop who says “You’ve got to stop doing that.” Clearly that cop has seen it all.

The last one of the ways to fail a DUI test is clearly fake, but still sort of funny when a guy pretends to pee on two cops giving him a field sobriety test.

Check out more funny videos! 

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