There's nothing funnier than animals freaking out gifs. Because animals get freaked out really easily. Whether it's a bottle falling over or a toaster popping up or a printer doing its printing thing, animals are always ready to leap high into the air and run away as quickly as possible. We can't get enough of these funny gifs. And no, none of these animals suffered anything in any of these, just a little scare, which is good for anyone now and then!
It seems like cats are the worst culprits in these animals freaking out gifs. Sure there's a giraffe totally freaked out by a peacock and a raccoon who is not very happy about a bear showing up while it's enjoying some nice bird food. And even dogs can lose it if they see something they don't understand (like a magazine). But cats will freak out at almost anything. I'm not sure why this one cat is even close to the bath, because you know that is not going to end well. It's rare to see a cat who doesn't ,mind a bath, but there are a few cat gifs out there of cats just swimming around in a full bath.
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18 Very Funny Animals Freaking Out Gifs

There's nothing funnier than animals freaking out gifs. Because animals get freaked out really easily. Whether it's a bottle falling over or a toaster popping up or a printer doing its printing thing, animals are always ready to leap high into the air and run away as quickly as possible. We can't get enough of these funny gifs. And no, none of these animals suffered anything in any of these, just a little scare, which is good for anyone now and then!
It seems like cats are the worst culprits in these animals freaking out gifs. Sure there's a giraffe totally freaked out by a peacock and a raccoon who is not very happy about a bear showing up while it's enjoying some nice bird food. And even dogs can lose it if they see something they don't understand (like a magazine). But cats will freak out at almost anything. I'm not sure why this one cat is even close to the bath, because you know that is not going to end well. It's rare to see a cat who doesn't ,mind a bath, but there are a few cat gifs out there of cats just swimming around in a full bath.
Check out more funny gifs!