If you need a cute break this week look no further than this gallery of super cute tiny puppies.
These 17 adorable tiny puppies are so cute they are literally melting our hearts. Who in the world doesn't love tiny puppies? You won't find anyone around here who doesn't, that's for sure!
From the adorable puppies that are as small as a can of ravioli to the ones that can balance on a football, I wish these tiny puppies would never grow up.
It's amazing how these tiny puppies can mostly fit inside their owners' hands. There are the newborn puppies who are of course the size of a burrito (and are so cute you wish you could eat them, too), and then there are the puppies who are about the size of your foot and who you can play around with and still snuggle them and put them in your pocket.
We love all kinds of dogs, but we could literally look at these pictures for hours. Whenever you're having a stressful week just come back to this gallery and browse through these photos of tiny puppies to instantly get a dose of happiness. Don't forget to share with your friends!
17 Tiny Puppies That Will Melt Your Heart

If you need a cute break this week look no further than this gallery of super cute tiny puppies.
These 17 adorable tiny puppies are so cute they are literally melting our hearts. Who in the world doesn't love tiny puppies? You won't find anyone around here who doesn't, that's for sure!
From the adorable puppies that are as small as a can of ravioli to the ones that can balance on a football, I wish these tiny puppies would never grow up.
It's amazing how these tiny puppies can mostly fit inside their owners' hands. There are the newborn puppies who are of course the size of a burrito (and are so cute you wish you could eat them, too), and then there are the puppies who are about the size of your foot and who you can play around with and still snuggle them and put them in your pocket.
We love all kinds of dogs, but we could literally look at these pictures for hours. Whenever you're having a stressful week just come back to this gallery and browse through these photos of tiny puppies to instantly get a dose of happiness. Don't forget to share with your friends!