The awkward moment seal is one of the better new memes out there right now. The crux of this meme is to point out those every day moments we have all experienced that are, well, for lack of a better word: awkward. These aren't the worst, totally embarrassing moments. These are those moments that you just sort of aren't sure what to do. And the best part of the awkward seal moment meme is the photo of the seal's face that someone found to be the template for it. This seal actually looks like he is in a very awkward situation. And that face that the awkward seal moment seal is making is basically the face that you would also make when you find yourself in one of these moments.
These 12 best examples of the awkward seal moment range from that time when someone remembers your name, but you don't remember theirs. (Is there really anything worse than that?) Also, when you are sleeping over at a friend's house when you were younger, but you are the first one to wake up. What do you do there? Also, a really weird one is when you are using a public bathroom and someone makes eye contact with you between the stall door. That's especially creepy.
And if you've ever been a cashier, or a waiter, you know how awkward it is when you stand there while two people argue over who should be paying. There's really not a lot you can do there.
And of course the classic when you are in the middle of telling a long story and you realize that absolutely no one is listening. Whenever I find myself in that position I usually just stop talking and go to the bathroom.
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12 Best Awkward Moment Seal Memes

Awkward Moment Seal: When someone remembers your name. But you don't remember theirs.

The awkward moment seal is one of the better new memes out there right now. The crux of this meme is to point out those every day moments we have all experienced that are, well, for lack of a better word: awkward. These aren't the worst, totally embarrassing moments. These are those moments that you just sort of aren't sure what to do. And the best part of the awkward seal moment meme is the photo of the seal's face that someone found to be the template for it. This seal actually looks like he is in a very awkward situation. And that face that the awkward seal moment seal is making is basically the face that you would also make when you find yourself in one of these moments.
These 12 best examples of the awkward seal moment range from that time when someone remembers your name, but you don't remember theirs. (Is there really anything worse than that?) Also, when you are sleeping over at a friend's house when you were younger, but you are the first one to wake up. What do you do there? Also, a really weird one is when you are using a public bathroom and someone makes eye contact with you between the stall door. That's especially creepy.
And if you've ever been a cashier, or a waiter, you know how awkward it is when you stand there while two people argue over who should be paying. There's really not a lot you can do there.
And of course the classic when you are in the middle of telling a long story and you realize that absolutely no one is listening. Whenever I find myself in that position I usually just stop talking and go to the bathroom.
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