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I Love You Baby Video Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

This is what's known as the I Love You Baby video. This little girl is just two months old and she is sitting on her dad's chest. And her dad is saying "I love you" to this little baby over and over again. And she responds by smiling at him and generally being a super cute little baby in her pink little dress.

So she sits there for a while staring into her dad's eyes and goo gooing and ga gaing at him whenever he says something to her. But then something funny happens. After he says "I love you" to her a few times she clearly tries to emulate him and says "I love you" back to him. That's why she's known as the I Love You Baby. It's adorable. Maybe not as adorable as this chubby Korean baby dancing. But pretty adorable.

I have never seen a toddler this small and young try to form words before. But if you listen closely to the end of this video you can hear her say I love you. Or as close as she can come to saying I Love you. So clearly she has no idea what I love you means. She's just parroting and repeating the sounds that her dad makes, but she does know that what he's saying is said with love. So you could say that she is the I love you baby because she's trying to give back the love that her dad is clearly giving her.

Either way this video is super cute and funny.

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I Love You Baby Video

This is what’s known as the I Love You Baby video. This little girl is just two months old and she is sitting on her dad’s chest. And her dad is saying “I love you” to this little baby over and over again. And she responds by smiling at him and generally being a super cute little baby in her pink little dress.

So she sits there for a while staring into her dad’s eyes and goo gooing and ga gaing at him whenever he says something to her. But then something funny happens. After he says “I love you” to her a few times she clearly tries to emulate him and says “I love you” back to him. That’s why she’s known as the I Love You Baby. It’s adorable. Maybe not as adorable as this chubby Korean baby dancing. But pretty adorable.

I have never seen a toddler this small and young try to form words before. But if you listen closely to the end of this video you can hear her say I love you. Or as close as she can come to saying I Love you. So clearly she has no idea what I love you means. She’s just parroting and repeating the sounds that her dad makes, but she does know that what he’s saying is said with love. So you could say that she is the I love you baby because she’s trying to give back the love that her dad is clearly giving her.

Either way this video is super cute and funny.

Check out more great videos!

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