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Hilariously Obvious Warning Signs Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures


Thanks, sign. But I THINK WE GOT THIS.

Have you ever seen a funny warning sign and thought to yourself: Wait, what? Did someone really take the time to make that because they thought someone actually wouldn't know that? Well, if you haven't, today is your lucky day with this gallery of funny warning signs and instructions.

I mean, how dumb do people think other people actually are? It's like explaining to someone that they breathe in order to survive. Oh wait. One of these funny warning signs practically says that? That's right. It actually warns people NOT TO BREATHE UNDERWATER. What are they thinking?

If thought that was bad, the gallery is filled with funny warning signs and instructions that are slap-your-forehead worthy. They are ridiculous! There's the one that explains that if a door is not open do not walk through it (thanks). There's the one that says food is an important part of your diet (double thanks). Or what about the warning label under a giant bin of peanuts that states that the peanuts contain peanut. I mean, really? Thanks, anyway!

You know that saying that if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. Well if you don't have anything smart to say don't make a sign explaining anything!


Hilariously Obvious Warning Signs

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Thanks, sign. But I THINK WE GOT THIS.

Have you ever seen a funny warning sign and thought to yourself: Wait, what? Did someone really take the time to make that because they thought someone actually wouldn't know that? Well, if you haven't, today is your lucky day with this gallery of funny warning signs and instructions.

I mean, how dumb do people think other people actually are? It's like explaining to someone that they breathe in order to survive. Oh wait. One of these funny warning signs practically says that? That's right. It actually warns people NOT TO BREATHE UNDERWATER. What are they thinking?

If thought that was bad, the gallery is filled with funny warning signs and instructions that are slap-your-forehead worthy. They are ridiculous! There's the one that explains that if a door is not open do not walk through it (thanks). There's the one that says food is an important part of your diet (double thanks). Or what about the warning label under a giant bin of peanuts that states that the peanuts contain peanut. I mean, really? Thanks, anyway!

You know that saying that if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. Well if you don't have anything smart to say don't make a sign explaining anything!


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